Writer of Post-apocalyptic Fiction

Gregory Greunke is a speculative fiction author dedicated to exploring the intersection of nature, technology, and the human spirit. He creates immersive worlds that pose important questions about society, survival, and hope. He loves playing with his two kids and impressing his wife with meals from the backyard, but every day, he’s happiest near water—on it, in it, or under it.

In 1987, I traveled to Communist Russia as a student ambassador. I spoke to students about how our government was changing the world for good. They laughed and said their government used propaganda too, but they knew it wasn’t true.

In 2001, Vietnamese fishermen drew pictures in the sand to explain the planes crashing into the World Trade Center just hours earlier.

In 2023 my daughter shouted, “All hail the snow!” as we drove through a snowstorm.

My travels have had a profound impact on my life and writing. I believe that experiencing the world through someone else’s eyes is a valuable experience for everyone.

photocredit: unsplash.com/@quangpraha.

Grün, gastronomy, and gregariousness. That pretty much sums me up.